14th International Scientific Conference
of the Romanian–German University of Sibiu
in partnership
with Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften from Fürth,
Diakonie Neuendettelsau, Germany, International Management Institute
(IMI-NOVA), Moldova and Universite Paris 13, France
The European Union must adjust and adapt to the new challenges put up by the shifts that take place at a social, economical and political level. After the harsh period of the economic crisis, several important steps are being taken in order to diminish the effects of this crisis and to adjust to the challenges of the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. One of the most important objectives of said strategy is represented by Fighting poverty and social exclusion.
We as individuals or as organizations must undertake every possible action in order to diminish the effects of poverty and social exclusion by the development of new skills, knowledge management, consumer and employees competences, the diminishing of weaknesses and poverty of the vulnerable groups throughout Europe. Therefore we must understand the challenges brought on by the crisis and of the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and try to find the right answers in order to achieve the targets of the strategy in fields like:
- Economics and Management;
- Law and Administrative Sciences;
- Human and Social Sciences;
- Applied Sciences and Engineering.
The conference is taking place between 30th – 31st October 2014.
The venue of the conference is the Romanian-German University of Sibiu.
Call for papers 2014 |